Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Great Cleanup Crusade

     We are not just only existing for nothing, we are existing with a purpose. Being a human it is our responsibility to take good care of our beloved planet, it is our responsibility to love and appreciate it's tranquil beauty: The ocean, mountains and volcanoes and also it is our responsibility to make an actions that can lead into a positive impact on our planet. It's not just about YOU and ME but it's all about of us and our planet. Imagine how can people live in a dirty and unhealthy environment?? How can people survive having an unhealthy society?? 

    All of us our being benefited from how our planet earth is enriched. Having a Clean Up efforts can help our planet preserves it's health. Clean up is a fundamental aspect of responsible living and resource management. All individuals should respect and appreciate our planet. All individuals should have this attitude so that we could all have a better future and achieve our dreams of having a healthy and better environment. 

Having a Clean Up Drive

In this picture we STLEP Club always having a Clean Up Drive every Thursday or Friday so that we can maintain the cleanliness and neatness around the campus and we students can have a healthy school environment. 

Having a Coastal Clean Up

In this picture you can see that we are picking those plastics and putting them inside a garbage bag. Those plastic bags are came from people who hang out here and left those plastics and being blown by the wind and end up going into the sea. It is important to do this clean up activity to protect our beaches and to those living organism that can be affected by this plastics along the side of the beach.

Picking those plastics around the backyard 

I notice those food wrappers being blown by the air I decided to picked them up so that me and my family could maintain still the cleanliness around the house backyard and to avoid having sick because of the too much garbage around the environment. 

Cleaning with my Co - officers of TLE Club

Decided to have a clean up activity to avoid students of getting at risk because of the lack of respect to the environment that some students are doing too, throwing those food and candy wrappers around the school. To still have a clean environment we've decided to have clean up activity since we literally care about the cleanliness that the environment should have. 

Picking those harmful waste 

As you can see in the picture there is an umbrella that can harm a person physically and those tiny glass and cans that is thrown on the way towards in to the sea, it is essential to pick them all up so that we can protect ourselves, others and also our mother nature.


    Participating and doing this activities are really helpful to our environment. Inviting friends or even family is a great thing to do  this activities to enhance more our environment and to have a better future ahead onto the next generation of our lives. 

   Dela Cruz, Rejean. 2023. Vigan City   
   The Great Cleanup Crusade Retrieve from 

Monday, October 23, 2023

A Letter of Concern and Hope

    I am writing to you today with a mix of emotions that have been weighing on my mind. As a concerned citizen of our great nation, I feel it is my duty to express my thoughts and sentiments about your leadership. This letter is not just a mere message; it is a reflection of my hopes, concerns, and expectations for the direction in which our country is headed.

   I want to express my love and hope for our beloved Philippines. Our nation is rich in culture, diversity, and potential, and I believe in its capacity for greatness.
Your leadership carries the weight of our history and the dreams of our people, and it is my sincere wish that you will guide us toward a brighter future. However, I cannot help but feel a sense of worry and apprehension about certain aspects of your administration.The challenges we face, from economic stability to social unity, require strong and decisive leadership. It is my hope that you will address these concerns with the urgency and dedication they deserve, for the benefit of all Filipinos.Our democracy thrives when diverse voices are heard and respected.

   President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., your leadership carries immense significance in shaping the destiny of our nation.

My emotions range from love and hope to worry and occasional frustration, but they are all rooted in a deep concern for the Philippines. I look forward to witnessing the positive changes that your administration can bring and remain hopeful for a prosperous future. 


An Island with More Volcanoes than Towns

   In a world where climate change, natural disasters, and socio-economic shifts are becoming increasingly prevalent, the need for resilience has never been more critical. The word “resilience” has been thrown around to describe how the Filipinos are able to pick themselves up in the face of disaster.
Calamities abound in the country, with the ongoing pandemic and natural disasters. The Philippines, an archipelago located in the typhoon-prone country,The Philippines is no stranger to natural disasters, with an average of 20 typhoons and more hitting the our country each year. These frequent calamities often result in severe damage to infrastructure, loss of life, and economic setbacks. Yet, we citizens of the Philippines have shown an inspiring resilience in the face of adversity, standing as a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome challenges.

   In a nation where resilience is not a choice but a way of life, Filipinos are known survivors of circumstances, a strong fighter in desperate situations. We manage to survive from disappointments, we emerge more strongly and determined to face the odds that come. One of the most outstanding characteristics of Filipinos is Resilience. Filipinos have exhibited incredible strength and determination.

Typhoons, for instance, are a recurring nightmare for many regions, but we the citizens have developed a deep-rooted culture of bayanihan, or communal unity, that enables us to weather the storm, both literally and metaphorically. Through this spirit of unity, we Filipinos often help each other prepare for, endure, and recover from disasters. We come together to provide shelter, food, and support to those in need, ensuring that no one is left behind. We keep on moving forward and even though we are suffering we still have time to smile because we know that we can all do it and know that we can all past it through our love and care for each other. Typhoons and Calamities come and go but still we remain standing. 

   In building a more resilient Philippines. First and foremost, investments in disaster risk reduction and preparedness are crucial. This involves improving early warning systems, constructing resilient infrastructure, and implementing comprehensive disaster management plans. It's essential that communities are educated about disaster risks and are equipped with the knowledge and resources to respond effectively. Furthermore, addressing the root causes of vulnerability is vital. Poverty and inequality can exacerbate the impact of disasters, so socio-economic programs aimed at poverty reduction can make a significant difference. Empowering local communities and individuals to become self-reliant during disasters is also key. This includes teaching basic first aid and survival skills, promoting sustainable farming and livelihoods, and encouraging the preservation of indigenous knowledge that has often served as a guide for generations.

   The Philippines has been a beacon of resilience in the face of recurring adversities. But the road towards a more resilient nation is an ongoing journey that demands collective action. Investments in disaster preparedness, addressing vulnerability, and adapting to climate change are all part of the solution. By coming together as a nation, and with the support of the international community, the Philippines can continue to demonstrate unwavering resilience and pave the way towards a more secure and sustainable future.


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

My Purpose in Life

   In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to feel lost or overwhelmed by the question, "What is my purpose in life?" This existential inquiry is one that has perplexed philosophers, poets, and seekers for centuries. 

While there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Discovering one's purpose in life is a profound journey that often unfolds over time. For me, this quest for purpose has been a continuous exploration of self-discovery and growth. It's about finding meaning in every experience, whether positive or challenging, and using those lessons to shape my path forward.
Reading books, listening to music, and watching documentaries that inspires me are one of the reason why i keep in finding my purpose in life. Also by identifying my skills help me to be more aware on what is my purpose in life. My purpose in life maybe rooted in making a positive impact on the world around me. I believe in contributing to the greater good, whether through acts of kindness, supporting causes that resonate with my values, or helping individuals in need. This purpose gives me a sense of fulfillment and drives me to strive for personal and societal betterment. Helping other's gives myself satisfaction by just seeing them smile and making them happy as much as I can be.  

     Furthermore, my purpose extends to personal growth and self-realization. I aim to continually evolve as an individual, honing my skills, nurturing my passions, and seeking out opportunities for self-improvement. By doing so, I not only enhance my own life but also become better equipped to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. In essence, my purpose is an ongoing journey of self-discovery, service, and growth that guides me towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life. I always keep in mind that my purpose is unique like me, and it's a lifelong pursuit. 

   Dela Cruz, Rejean. 2023. Vigan City
   My Purpose in Life Retrieve from

A Vision of Myself

     As I peer into the future, I envision myself as a passionate and dedicated teacher, making a positive impact on the lives of my student...