Monday, January 29, 2024

Viva San Pablo, Viva "Biga"!!

     One of the oldest towns in the Philippines, Vigan is a Spanish Colonial fairy tale of dark-wood mansions, cobblestone streets and clattering kalesa (horse-drawn carriages). In fact, it is the finest surviving example of a Spanish Colonial town in Asia and a Unesco World Heritage site. Being famous for its architecture aquired during the Spanish era of colonization, Vigan, the capital of Ilocos Sur, is also renowed for its spicy meat dishes and it is also known for its longganisa which is a local kind of salami. The dish is made in accordance with a century-old tradition and has a truly unique taste. Although there were several tries to replicate the combination of sliced spicy meat, sugarcane vinegar, and garlic, no one can compete with local chefs. In late January, the Vigan celebrates City Fiesta and Longganisa Festival is included in the festive program. It's normally celebrated around January 22nd to January 25th—the dates vary from year to year. It is celebrated during the feast day of the conversion of St. Paul the Apostle. St. Paul is Vigan City’s patron saint. Before his conversion, St. Paul was known as Saul, a zealous persecutor of Christians. After he was touched by a personal encounter with Jesus Christ on his way to Damascus, his name was changed to Paul and he endured a lot of hardships and danger to spread the word of God to far places. During the festival, every tourist has a chance to try authentic longganisa from Vigan. Usually, local people eat salami for breakfast but the food itself is too good to be eaten during the morning hours only.



     The band members performing and doing their best to make an outstanding performance. The band members, dressed in their beautiful uniforms, and are in perfect formations. They are playing their instruments with skill and precision, creating a beautiful melody that fills the air. The band members are showcasing their talent and dedication as they perform beautiful formations, making the performance visually captivating. The audience is watching with admiration and clapping along to the beat.


     The band members, young and full of energy, are proudly showcasing their musical talents, they are dressed in their adorable uniforms, which are designed to match their youthful spirit. Each band member is holding their instrument with great concentration and focus. Despite their young age, they are playing in harmony, creating a delightful melody that resonates through the air. The drummers, with their small but mighty drums, provide a rhythmic foundation for the rest of the band. The band members are marching in sync, following the guidance of their dedicated band majorette, their smiles and expressions reflect their passion and excitement for performing. 




     You can see the energetic and colorful street dancing performance of the Longanisa festival. The performers, dressed in traditional and eye-catching costumes, showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Vigan City. They move their bodies gracefully swaying and their feet tapping to the rhythm of the music. Each dancer filled with joy and excitement as they execute intricate dance steps and elaborate formations. The vibrant colors of their costumes, designed with intricate patterns and embellishments, add a touch of vibrancy to the scene, the crowd, consisting of locals and tourists, cheer and clap along, enjoying the spectacle of their performance.


     In this picture you can witness the electrifying atmosphere of the Longanisa festival showdown dancing performance. The stage is designed with vibrant lights, creating a mesmerizing view. The dancers, filled with energy and passion, showcasing their impressive skills and choreography. Their movements are dynamic and perfect, as they execute perfect formations and synchronized steps. The air is filled with the beats of lively music, enhancing the excitement in the crowd. The dancers' costumes are the reflection of the festival's vibrant spirit, designed with bright colors and beautiful details that catch the eyes of the audience, their expressions exude confidence and joy, as they pour their hearts into the performance.

      The celebration were truly a sight to behold, with lovely colors, lively music, and an atmosphere filled with infectious energy. Streets were designed with beautiful decorations, showcasing the rich heritage of the Vigan City. The aroma of sizzling longanisa wafted through the air, tempting passersby to indulge in this mouthwatering treat. The locals, dressed in their traditional costumes, radiated a sense of pride and joy as they showcased their culture and culinary traditions. During this festival, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the local traditions and customs. I witnessed awe-inspiring parades featuring beautifully and gracefully performance of marching band as they follow their majorette who's dancing gracefully. Each marching band group depicted a unique aspect of Vigan's history and culture, adding a touch of enchantment to the festivities. The sound of drums and trumpets filled the air as performers dressed in vibrant costumes danced along the streets, captivating the audience with their grace and skill. I was also amazed by the level of detail and the performance of street dancers and in the showdown category, the dancers did their best and dance gracefully that make the audience, me and my friends clap and cheer for them, their performance really make the festival perfect, from their beautiful costumes into their perfect performances are excellent and so so so good, they did make my eyes stick to them. Witnessing the Longanisa Festival in Vigan City was a journey of cultural immersion and exploration. The festival served as a testament to the rich heritage and vibrant traditions of the city. From the spectacular parades and exhibitions to the mouthwatering longanisa, it was an experience that left a lasting impression on my heart. The warmth and hospitality of the locals, coupled with their genuine pride in their cultural roots, made this a truly unforgettable adventure. VIVA VIGAN!!! 


  Dela Cruz, Rejean. 2023. Vigan City Here & There Retrieve from

Friday, January 26, 2024

My Second Quarter Experience and Accomplishments

    The second quarter of my ICT course focused on HTML, the fundamental language used to create websites and web applications. This essay reflects on the learnings and discoveries I have gained, the problems and challenges I encountered, how I addressed them, and my future goals in this subject. 


    During this quarter, I gained a comprehensive understanding of HTML and its various elements, attributes, and syntax. I discovered the importance of proper structure and semantic markup in creating accessible and user-friendly websites. Through hands-on exercises and projects, I learned the purpose and implementation of essential HTML tags like how to display the content such as "<body></body>" :This tag is used to display all the information or data, text, images, hyperlinks videos that needed in your html file. Also "<html></html>" :This tag marks the beginning and ending of the HTML document and it tells the browser that the document is an HTML document and more. 

     Additionally, I acquired knowledge about utilizing HTML forms for data input and exploring the multimedia capabilities of HTML. While studying HTML, I faced a few challenges. One of the major challenges was grasping complex concepts, such as nesting elements and understanding the hierarchical structure of tags within HTML documents. I also encountered difficulties in managing the alignment and positioning of elements. I address these challenges by implementing various strategies. First, I sought clarification from my besties and classmates, who provided guidance and shared their insights to me and helped me to keep doing my best. I also turned to reliable online resources and tutorials, which helped reinforce my understanding and provided practical examples. Moreover, I dedicated my extra time to practice coding and conducted self-assessment exercises to reinforce my learning process.


    Moving forward, I must continue to enhance my HTML skills and explore more advanced concepts. Aiming to create visually appealing and interactive websites. By gaining proficiency in these languages, I aim to develop responsive, dynamic, and user-friendly web-based solutions. 

    The Second Quarter of my ICT course is entirely focused on HTML, has been an enriching experience. I have gained valuable insights into the core concepts of HTML, discovered its wide range of applications, and explored its seamless integration with other technologies. Although I encountered challenges along the way, I successfully addressed them through seeking assistance and utilizing online resources. Looking ahead, I am determined to further develop my skills in doing HTML files. 


   Dela Cruz, Rejean. Caoayan Ilocos Sur. My Second Quarter Experience and Accomplishments. Retrieve from

Monday, January 15, 2024

A Man of All Generations

     Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, played a vital role in shaping the country's history and identity. His contributions to Philippine society cannot be overstated. Rizal's greatest contribution to Philippine society was his dedication to enlightening Filipinos through his writings and actions, challenging the oppressive Spanish colonial rule, and advocating for reforms in various aspects of society. This essay will explore Rizal's contributions and discuss their significance in shaping the Philippines.

     One of Rizal's major contributions was his belief in the power of education. He firmly believed that education was the key to a nation's progress and liberation from oppression. Rizal dedicated his life to studying and seeking knowledge in various fields, including medicine, arts, and literature. He used his knowledge and skills to educate his fellow countrymen, enlightening them about their rights and the need for social reforms. Rizal's most notable literary work, "Noli Me Tangere" (Touch Me Not), exposed the injustices and abuses under the Spanish colonial rule. Through the protagonist, Crisostomo Ibarra, Rizal showcased the corruption of the colonial government, oppression of the lower class, and the extreme poverty experienced by the majority of Filipinos.

     This novel awakened the Filipino consciousness and instilled a sense of national identity and pride, inspiring many to revolt against the oppressive regime. Another significant contribution of Rizal was his involvement in the reform movement, La Liga Filipina. Rizal's vision was to unite Filipinos and fight for equality and justice. The organization aimed to bring about social and political changes through peaceful means. However, due to political reasons, the organization was dissolved, and Rizal was accused of treason and imprisoned. Despite this setback, Rizal's efforts ignited a sense of nationalism among his fellow Filipinos and laid the foundation for future revolutions against Spanish rule. Rizal's greatest contribution, perhaps, lies in his unwavering commitment to peaceful reform and his advocacy for the use of reason and education as tools for societal progress. In his famous essay, "The Indolence of the Filipinos," Rizal debunked the Spanish colonialists' notion of Filipino laziness. He argued that the true cause of the Filipinos' supposed idleness was the oppressive system of colonial rule and the lack of opportunities for socio-economic advancement. Rizal proposed the establishment of schools and industries to uplift the Filipino people, emphasizing the importance of education and hard work.

     Rizal's influence extended beyond his writings and political activities. He practiced medicine and treated the indigent and marginalized communities, showing compassion and care for his fellow Filipinos. Rizal's dedication to public health and social welfare set an example for future leaders, highlighting the importance of service to the nation and the welfare of the people. Jose Rizal's greatest contribution to Philippine society was his unwavering commitment to enlightening Filipinos, challenging the oppressive Spanish colonial rule, and advocating for social reforms.

     "Noli Me Tangere," awakened a sense of national identity and pride among Filipinos, inspiring them to fight for their rights. Rizal's involvement in the reform movement and his vision for peaceful change laid the groundwork for future revolutions. His belief in the power of education and his dedication to public health serve as enduring examples for generations of Filipinos. As a hero and a symbol of Philippine independence, Jose Rizal's contributions continue to shape the nation's history and identity.


1. Constantino, R. (1975). The mis-education of the Filipino. Malaya Books.

2. Guerrero, L. (1998). The first Filipino: A biography of Jose Rizal. National Historical Institute.

3. Quibuyen, F. (1999). A nation aborted: Rizal, American hegemony, and Philippine nationalism. Ateneo de Manila University Press.




Thursday, January 4, 2024

A Fresh Start

     As we move further into the 21st century, it's important to have a clear vision and plan for the futurejut. For me, 2024 represents a significant turning point, not just for myself, but for the world as a whole.

     One of my core plans for 2024 is to focus on personal and professional development. This includes expanding my skill set, gaining new experiences, and ultimately growing as an individual. In today's rapidly changing world, it's essential to constantly adapt and evolve in order to stay relevant and competitive. To achieve this, I plan to invest in further education, seek out new opportunities, and take on challenges that allow me to push my boundaries and develop new strengths. Another core plan for 2024 is to prioritize health and wellness. In the face of ongoing global challenges and uncertainties, it’s more important than ever to take care of one's physical and mental well-being.

This involves maintaining a balanced lifestyle, staying active, and seeking out activities that bring joy and fulfillment. I plan to focus on my physical fitness, mental health, and overall well-being to ensure that I am able to navigate the complexities of life with grace and Resilience. Furthermore, I aim to contribute positively to society in 2024. This includes giving back to my community, supporting meaningful causes, and engaging in acts of service. By making a positive impact on those around me, I hope to create a ripple effect that spreads goodwill and fosters a sense of unity and compassion. This may involve volunteering, donating to charitable organizations, or simply lending a helping hand to those in need. Regardless of the form it takes, my goal is to leave a positive mark on the world in 2024. Lastly, 2024 will be a year for me to focus on building strong and meaningful relationships. This includes nurturing existing connections, forging new friendships, and strengthening family ties. Human connection is a fundamental aspect of a fulfilling life, and I plan to prioritize the people who matter most to me. By fostering authentic, supportive, and lasting relationships, I hope to create a solid support system that will sustain me through life's challenges and celebrate my successes.

     In conclusion, 2024 holds immense potential for personal growth, contribution to society, and building meaningful connections. By having these core plans in place, I am setting the stage for a year of purpose, fulfillment, and achievement. Regardless of the specific goals I set out to accomplish, my overarching aim for 2024 is to live with intention, passion, and compassion. By doing so, I hope to make a positive impact on the world around me and create a future that is brighter and more hopeful for all. 


  Dela Cruz, Rejean. 2023. Vigan City A Fresh Start Retrieve from

A Vision of Myself

     As I peer into the future, I envision myself as a passionate and dedicated teacher, making a positive impact on the lives of my student...